
Web site: Origin: Category: Server Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86 Based on: FreeBSD Wikipedia: Media: Live The last version | Released: 1.0.2 | May 2003 BZERK CD – a complete installation of the -current development branch of FreeBSD. No installation required, all you need is a PC with CDRom drive you can boot from … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Firewall Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86 Based on: FreeBSD Wikipedia: Media: Live The last version | Released: May 2013 ? ClosedBSD – a FreeBSD derived firewall distribution bootable from a cdrom, compact flash, or floppy diskette. It features a complete curses based user interface for managing your … Read more



Web site: Origin: Poland Category: Desktop Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86 Based on: MikeOS Wikipedia: Media: Live The last version | Released: 0.4.1 | March 3, 2009 Zobacz po polsku: TomOS TomOS – a simple 16 bit operating system for x86. It is based on MikeOS version 2.0.0. It is entirely written in the … Read more



Web site: Origin: USA Category: Embedded Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: Based on: Independent Wikipedia: Media: The last version | Released: | 2015 Zobacz po polsku: ProteanOS ProteanOS – an operating system for embedded devices. Its innovative design enables it to offer a competitive solution in a wide variety of hardware and software environments and … Read more

Gibraltar Firewall

gibraltar firewall

Web site: Origin: Austria Category: Firewall Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86 Based on: Debian Wikipedia: Gibraltar Media: Live The last version | Released: 3.1 | May 18, 2011 Gibraltar Firewall – a Debian based specialist Linux distribution which provides ready to use firewall configuration and can be boot directly from a CD-ROM, so hard … Read more

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