

Web site: Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Workbench Architecture: Motorola 68000, PowerPC Based on: independent Wikipedia: AmigaOS Media: Install The last version | Released: 4.1 Update 2 | January 12, 2021 AmigaOS – a commercial OS originally developed for the Motorola 68k based Commodore Amiga line of computers – now owned by Amiga, … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86, ARM, PowerPC, SPARC Based on: Chorus Wikipedia: JavaOS Media: Install The last version | Released: 1999 JavaOS – a closed source, based on a Java virtual machine, and written in Java operating system developed by Sun Microsystems. JavaOS is a highly compact … Read more



Web site: Origin: USA Category: workstation, embedded Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86, Motorolla 68000, PowerPC, SPARC, ARM, MIPS Based on: Mach kernel Wikipedia: ChorusOS Media: Install The last version | Released: 5.1 | 2011 ChorusOS – a highly scalable and reliable embedded operating system that has established itself among top telecommunications suppliers. The ChorusOS … Read more



Web site: Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: PowerPC Based on: Independent Wikipedia: MkLinux Media: Install The last version | Released: Pre-R2 | August 5, 2002 MkLinux – an Open Source operating system which consists of an implementation of the Linux operating system hosted on the Mach microkernel. We estimate that there … Read more



Web site: Origin: Germany Category: Embedded, Mobile, Others Desktop environment: GUI Architecture: x86, PowerPC Based on: µnOS Wikipedia: Media: Install The last version | Released: 1.2 | October 22, 2006 Symobi (“System for mobile applications”) – a modern and mobile OS. It is based on the µnOS operating system which incorporates the Sphere microkernel. … Read more

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