Last Updated on: 5th November 2023, 12:16 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Italy
Category: Embedded
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86, x86_64, ARM, Atmel
Based on: Independent
Wikipedia: BeRTOS
Media: Install
The last version | Released: 2.7.99 | August 2011

BeRTOS – a free, open source, real time operating system (RTOS) suitable for embedded platforms. It runs on many microprocessors and microcontrollers, ranging from 8 bits to 32 bits CPUs and even PCs.

– Multitasking kernel: cooperative and preemptive task scheduling.
– Ready to use hardware drivers for peripherals such as serial, ADC, LCD (text and graphics), NTC, memories and many more devices.
– Full graphic subsystem for simple displays, with font support, bitmaps, clipping, text formatting, interactive menus.
– Modular and scalable: you can configure BeRTOS to suit your needs, no waste of precious memory space.
– Unix emulator available: BeRTOS applications can be developed without the target hardware! Check DemoApp.
– Fully static memory model, suitable for tiny memory systems.
– Open source and royalty free: BeRTOS is released under a modified GPLv2 license, check BertosLicense.

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