
Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Supercomputer Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: CDC 180 series Based on: Kronos Wikipedia: NOS/VE Media: Install The last version | Released: ? | May 2009 NOS/VE – a proprietary operating system of CDC in close relation to the well-renowned MULTICS operating system of MIT. It is a virtual memory … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Supercomputer Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: CDC 6000 Based on: Kronos Wikipedia: NOS Media: Install The last version | Released: 2.x | 1982 NOS (Network Operating System) – a proprietary, time-sharing operating system written by Control Data Corporation in the 1970s. NOS is capable of several concurrent processing modes, … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Supercomputer Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: CDC 6000 Based on: Independent Wikipedia: CDC Kronos Media: Install The last version | Released: 439 | middle of 1970 Kronos – a proprietary, time sharing system developed by Control Data Corporation (CDC) to provide remote interface job processing for Control Data Cyber … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Supercomputer Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: CDC 6600/7600 Based on: independent Wikipedia: Livermore_Time_Sharing_System Media: Install The last version | Released: 1984 LTSS (Livermore Time Sharing System) – a proprietary driven operating system developed by the Lawrence Livermore Laboratories for CDC 6600/7600 supercomputers. LTSS changed to the Cray Time Sharing … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Supercomputer Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: CDC 7600, Cray 1/X-MP/Y-MP Based on: Cray Time Sharing System Wikipedia: NLTSS Media: Install The last version | Released: 1988 NLTSS (Network Livermore Timesharing System or New Livermore Time Sharing System)- a distributed, object-oriented operating system based on a pure message passing kernel … Read more

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