
Web site: flux.utah.edu/~mike/hpbsd/hpbsd.html Origin: USA Category: Server Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: HP 9000 Based on: 4.3BSD Wikipedia: Media: Install The last version | Released: 2.0 | April 1993 HPBSD – a port of 4.3BSD UNIX operating system for the HP9000 300, 400, 700 and 800 series machines done by Systems Programming Group at the University … Read more



Web site: github.com/RetroBSD/2.11BSD Origin: Category: Server Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86 Based on: 4.3BSD Wikipedia: Media: Install The last version | Released: 2.11 | November 1994 2.11BSD – a BSD operating system based on and comes with several missing pieces that came after the 4.3BSD-Tahoe. 2.11BSD CSRG was the last edition of the DEC PDP-11 … Read more



Web site: 386bsd.org Origin: USA Category: Server Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86 Based on: UNIX Wikipedia: 386BSD Media: Install The last version | Released: 2.0 | August 2016 386BSD – a derived from 4.3BSD, the first open source Berkeley UNIX operating system. It was the progenitor of Linux, iOS, and Android. Beginning with “A Modest … Read more



Web site: cap-lore.com/CapTheory/KK/ Origin: USA Category: Microkernel, Others Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: IBM S/370, IBM Mainframe Based on: GNOSIS Wikipedia: KeyKOS Media: Install The last version | Released: KeyKOS – an operating environment for S/370 computers which provides a high level of security, reliability, performance, and productivity. It allows emulation of other environments such as … Read more



Web site: www.eros-os.org (not active) Origin: USA Category: Microkernel, Others Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86 Based on: KeyKOS Wikipedia: EROS Media: Install The last version | Released: 1.1 | April 18, 2001 EROS (Extremely Reliable Operating System) – an operating system being implemented at the University of Pennsylvania, as a clean-room reconstruction of an earlier … Read more

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