

Web site: Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Workbench Architecture: Motorola 68000, PowerPC Based on: independent Wikipedia: AmigaOS Media: Install The last version | Released: 4.1 Update 2 | January 12, 2021 AmigaOS – a commercial OS originally developed for the Motorola 68k based Commodore Amiga line of computers – now owned by Amiga, … Read more



Web site: Origin: Category: Server, Desktop Desktop environment: GNOME, KDE, LXDE, Xfce Architecture: x86_64 Based on: independent Wikipedia: Media: Install DVD The last version | Released: 8.1 | September 9, 2021 Zobacz po polsku: Omarine Omarine – an independent developed Linux distribution for servers, but can also be used on home computers too. Omarine … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: IBM 360/370/mainframes Based on: independent Wikipedia: 360 and successors Media: Install The last version | Released: 2021 (VSE) DOS/360 (Disk Operating System/360) a first member of a sequence of operating systems for IBM System/360, System/370 and later mainframes, created in 1964. IBM DOS versions: … Read more



Web site: Origin: Switzerland Category: Rescue Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86 Based on: Independent Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 9.0.0 | December 30, 2021 Zobacz po polsku: BG-Rescue BG-Rescue – a very small Linux distribution (download-size less than 20MB) which is intended mainly for rescue purposes. BG-Rescue Linux is a … Read more



Web site: Origin: unknown Category: Workstation, Embedded Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: ARM, x86_64 Based on: SpiderOS Wikipedia: Media: Install The last version | Released: 2009 ConstellationOS – a super-light, SpiderOS based OS designed for speed on modern hardware. Easily and quickly build OpenWrt custom images (e.g. for your embedded device our Raspberry PI) using … Read more

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