BU Linux

Last Updated on: 7th August 2023, 07:31 pm

Web site: linux.bu.edu (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop, Server
Desktop environment: GNOME, KDE, WindowMaker, Xfce
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: CentOS
Media: Install
The last version | Released: 6.2 | June 26, 2012

BU Linux (Boston University Linux) – a Linux distribution based on CentOS, developed at Boston University and was based on network installation, Kerberor authentication, security, OpenAFS file system, and additional applications.

The distribution was using the WMaker window manager as well as the GNOME, KDE and Xfce desktop environments. The distribution supported the computer architecture of 32-bit x86 and x86-64.

– Simple installation through the network or by creating your own CD
– Lab modifications preserved through a group configuration file
– Automatic security updates and bug fixes, with ability to exclude certain packages or update on the customer’s schedule
– Access to more than 1,000 RPMs, including many BU licensed math-stat programs
– Easy account administration
– Guaranteed universal BU ID for those with a BU login name and Kerberos password
– Consult with clients on availability of various features, packages

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