
Web site: Origin: Poland Category: Server Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86, x86_64 Based on: PLD Wikipedia: Media: Install CD/DVD The last version | Released: 20190916 | September 16, 2019 Zobacz po polsku: TLD TLD Linux (Titanium Linux Distribution) – a small, server oriented, systemd-free distribution created by few admins for their needs and made … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: unknown Category: Server Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86 Based on: Independent Wikipedia: Media: Install The last version | Released: 1.3.4 | March 8, 2012 Sanos – a minimalistic 32-bit x86 operating system kernel for network server appliances running on standard PC hardware. The kernel implements basic operating system services … Read more



Web site: Origin: Italy Category: Desktop, Server Desktop environment: LXDE Architecture: x86_64 Based on: OpenSolaris Wikipedia: Media: Install USB/DVD The last version | Released: March 2020 | October 12, 2021 Zobacz po polsku: XStreamOS XStreamOS and XStream Desktop – a Sonicle effort to mantain a distribution of the illumos kernel, featuring the ZFS fileystem, … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: New Zealand Category: Server, Firewall Desktop environment: CLI, Web-interface Architecture: x86 Based on: CentOS Wikipedia: Media: Install CD The last version | Released: 5.0 | July 10, 2009 ClarkConnect – a Linux distribution designed to create an easy-to-use server or Internet gateway. Works great in areas such as: firewall, security … Read more



Web site: Origin: Greece Category: Server Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86, x86_64 Based on: Independent Wikipedia: Linux_Terminal_Server_Project Media: Install The last version | Released: 1999 LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project) – helps in netbooting LAN clients from a single template installation that resides in a virtual machine image or a chroot on the LTSP … Read more

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