

Web site: os.inf.tu-dresden.de/L4/ Origin: Germany Category: microkernel Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86, x86_64, ARM, MIPS, SPARC, RISC-V Based on: Independent Wikipedia: L4 microkernel family Media: Install The last version | Released: unknown L4 – a familly of microkernel’s familly, orginally created in 1993. It was designed from the ground up with performance as a primary … Read more



Web site: www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~sebc/hOp/ (not active) Origin: United Kingdom Category: microkernel Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86 Based on: Independent Wikipedia: Media: install The last version | Released: unknown hOp – a microkernel OS based on the Run Time System (RTS) of GHC, an Haskell implementation. By removing the system-specific bits, and just adding a few lines … Read more



Web site: cap-lore.com/CapTheory/KK/ Origin: USA Category: Microkernel, Others Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: IBM S/370, IBM Mainframe Based on: GNOSIS Wikipedia: KeyKOS Media: Install The last version | Released: KeyKOS – an operating environment for S/370 computers which provides a high level of security, reliability, performance, and productivity. It allows emulation of other environments such as … Read more



Web site: www.capros.org Origin: USA Category: Microkernel, Others Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86, ARM Based on: EROS Wikipedia: Media: Install The last version | Released: 1 | May 2, 2005 CapROS (Capability-based Reliable Operating System) – an experimental capability-based operating system, based on EROS, KeyKOS, and Gnosis. Ports exist for the Intel IA-32 and ARM9 … Read more



Web site: www.coyotos.org (not active) Origin: USA Category: microkernel Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86 Based on: Independent Wikipedia (FR): Coyotos Media: Install The last version | Released: ? | 2010 Coyotos – a secure, microkernel-based operating system that builds on the ideas and experiences of the EROS project, that itself is the successor of KeyKOS, … Read more

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