
Web site: Origin: Category: Desktop Desktop environment: GUI Architecture: x86 Based on: Independent Wikipedia: DexOS Media: Install The last version | Released: 6.0 | May 12, 2012 DexOS – an open-sourced 32-bit operating system written in x86 assembly, and maintained by Craig Bamford and other voluntary developers. It is a console like operating system, … Read more



Web site: Origin: Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Mozilla Architecture: x86 Based on: Independent Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 20040404 | April 4, 2004 ByzantineOS – a software internet appliance with a home entertainment bias. It is based on a networked Linux distribution/bootable system with Mozilla providing access to a range … Read more


The data base grows up systematically in the last few months time, and got the number of 200 operating systems now. The biggest category which features the biggest number of open-source and free operating systems is Linux by now. But it doesn’t mean that I don’t search the web looking for *BSD, DOS, Solaris … Read more



Web site: Origin: Norway Category: Desktop Desktop environment: GUI Architecture: x86 Based on: Independent Wikipedia: AtheOS Media: Live The last version | Released: 0.3.7 | October 9, 2001 AtheOS – a free and open-source desktop operating system initially intended as an AmigaOS clone. AtheOS currently run on Intel, AMD and other compatible processors and … Read more



Web site: Origin: United Kingdom Category: Desktop, Server Desktop environment: GUI Architecture: x86 Based on: Independent (fork AtheOS) Wikipedia: Syllable Desktop Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 0.6.7 | April 12, 2012 Zobacz po polsku: Syllable Syllable – an open-source and independent developed operating system for Pentium and compatible processors. It was … Read more

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