GuruMan Linux

Last Updated on: 14th September 2023, 04:23 pm

Web site:
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE Plasma
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Manjaro Linux
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 18.0 | November 16, 2018

GuruMan Linux – a KDE spin on Manjaro KDE Linux 18. GuruMan is based on x86_64-stable with kernel 4.19.1.

The GuruMan Linux KDE-18.0-stable-x86_64.iso can be installed in either a VM (Oracle VirtualBox or VMWare Tools) but I have integrated OpenVM-Tools into the ISO image which should work for either environment.

You can, of course, install GuruMan Linux on bare metal using a utility like Etcher (which I recommend) to create a bootable USB or create a bootable DVD and install it that way.

PCManFM File Manager has been incorporated into this ISO for those who want to replace Dolphin as their file manager of choice due to the security issues surrounding Dolphin that don’t exist in PCManFM. I left Dolphin in this distro, however, just in case you prefer that file manager instead regardless of security risk. Filezilla & gftp have been included as file transfer applications to choose from. My preference is gftp. If you use FireFox Web browser (my defacto Web browser in Linux), you will see an icon that pops up on the Task bar asking if you wish to install Plasma Browser Integration to support the add-on in Firefox for KDE. This is recommended to install. This distro uses the sddm display manager and pamac which replaces octopi as the package manager in GuruMan Linux.

The project founder is Dan Calloway.

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