Last Updated on: 10th November 2023, 07:40 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Russia
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: GNOME, IceWM, KDE, WindowMaker, Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: FreeBSD
Wikipedia (RU): TrueBSD
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2.0 RC2 | November 15, 2008

TrueBSD – a LiveDVD operating system based on FreeBSD with many useful applications. All open programs will keep working even when you eject LiveDVD (using command cdcontrol eject) in order to get some data from your own CDs. Just don’t forget to insert the LiveDVD again before starting any other programs. The software is installed using the standard FreeBSD ports and packages system.

TrueBSD includes the following software:
– Window managers KDE3, GNOME, Openbox, ion3, wmii, evilwm;
– Web browsers firefox, konqueror, opera, elinks, lynx;
– FTP clients ftp, gftp;
– MySQL and PostgreSQL clients;
– Mail / News clients kmail, claws-mail;
– IM / IRC clients Pidgin, kopete, tkabber, qutIM;
– Text editors emacs, vim / gvim, gedit, geany;
– AbiWord word processor, Writer;
– Gqview picture viewer;
– modem support;
– File system checkers;
– File system recovery programs;
– Computer and network testing programs;
– Network utilities (LAN, modem, Bluetooth, dial-up, VPN, Wireless);
– Remote control (ssh, telnet, rdesktop);
– Port (and service) scanners Nessus, nmap;
– Firewalls ipfw, iwpf, pfq;

TrueBSD is distributed under BSD license, but some of the included software can be covered by some other license.

The latest version of TrueBSD 2.0-RC2 is based on FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE.

The screenshot source:, author: Soko1; License: BSD

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