
Last Updated on: 28th May 2023, 12:29 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Slackware, Slax
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: | August 19, 2007

Mutagenix (myoot’-a-jen-iks) – a dynamic and mutable a Linux live CD based on Slackware Linux and Linux-Live build scripts. Slapt-get is the foundation for the Mutagenix build system.

It starts automatically as a dhcp client, and contains an integrated firewall which auto starts on DHCP networks in stealth mode.

Other goals are:
– the Slapt-get, with multiple rc files with different sources, is included.
– Cpan2tgz for automatically downloading and installing perl modules.
– Ext2 partitioned USB keys will be mounted as your home dir (/root) so your environment can be saved.
– an xorg.conf on the mounted USB key will be used instead of the default supplied xorg.conf
– test applications for creating a load across a network. Includes smtp and http sources and sinks.
– Windows password changing utility.

The latest version of Mutagenix was released in 2007.

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