
Last Updated on: 17th May 2023, 07:00 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Multimedia
Desktop environment: Gnome
Architecture: x86
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 10.04.2 | February 24, 2011

gnuArtist – an artistic Linux distribution, based on Ubuntu, providing the end-user with tools for digital content creation.

gnuArtist is a highly customized setup of Ubuntu (32-bit alternative install), to ensure a lightweight and stable environment for people who want stability and productivity. It is based on the LTS versions of Ubuntu (rather than normal releases). The default environment is GNOME, but used a hydrid interface of MacOSX/Windows. A default dock is provided (Avant Window Manager), and a Mac-menu like menu bar (Gnome Global Menu) is located on the top of the screen, along side a Windows-like start button called Cairo-Menu, for quick and easy navigation.

The software categories include the following:
– Audio – (Editing, Recording & Music Composition): Audacity
– Video – (Editing, Capture & Conversion): OpenShot
– 3D Modeling & Animation: Blender
– Image Editing & Digital Paint: MyPaint, Gimp
– Font Creation & Management
– Animation (2D Vector & Traditional)
– HTML/Programming & Web-Design: Geany
– Internet & Networking: Opera
– Multimedia Players: VLC
– DVD Authoring & Backup: Brasero, 2ManDVD DVD-Video, Remastersys, Reconstructor ISO

gnuArtist was designed and developed by Don J. Thorpe.

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