Last Updated on: 24th August 2023, 01:37 pm

Web site: fabbsd.org
Origin: Canada
Category: Server
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: 4.4BSD
Media: Install
The last version | Released: 2018

FabBSD – a special purpose 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system, designed for machine control applications. Using low-cost hardware, FabBSD can be used to control a wide array of CNC milling machines, lathes, routers, process-control and automation equipment.

A common task of FabBSD systems is the coordinated motion of machine axes, whether driven by steppers, servo-motors or cylinders (with or without software-based closed-loop control). FabBSD uses a kernel-mode trajectory planner to generate stable motion control signals (using blended S-curve velocity profiles) at high frequencies with minimal hardware requirements.

It features applications such as:
– Machine tools: CNC milling machines, lathes, routers, lasers
– Automation: Manipulators, power supplies, relays, valves, heaters
– Instrumentation: Optical encoders, thickness gauges, sensors

FabBSD’s kernel and base are forked from OpenBSD. Its machine control drivers (/sys/dev/cnc/), userland libraries (libcnc) and applications could be easily ported back to OpenBSD, NetBSD or FreeBSD with minimal patching to other parts of the kernel. The base distribution includes OpenSSH, Sudo, Binutils, GCC and GDB. The installation process is straightforward (via CD-ROM, FTP, floppies or tapes).

As of 2018, FabBSD is undergoing active development again and contributors are welcome to provide feedback or patches.

The project founder is Julien Nadeau Carriere.

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