Elementary Operating System

Last Updated on: 5th November 2023, 05:22 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Others
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: Zilog Z80
Based on: Independent
Wikipedia: EOS
Media: Install
The last version | Released: EOS-7 | 1985 ?

Elementary Operating System (EOS) – an operating system of the Coleco Adam home computer and expansion device for the ColecoVision released in 1983 by American toy and video game manufacturer Coleco.

The EOS is one of three operating systems available to the ADAM programmer. The other two, (CP/M (now replaced by the superior and user friendly T-DOS), and 057), are best suited for “work horse” or practical programs, and game graphics, respectively.

The EOS, the subject of this work, is a sort of bridge between the extremes of the “work horse” T-DOS, and the graphics game 0S7 operating systems. Thus the three operating systems complement one another.

The EOS is used by applications programs such as SmartBasic, AdamCalc, SmartFiler, etc. Other programs such as FileManager and other AJM software products (this is the only plug you will see in this manual) make use of the EOS to handle its elementary functions.

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