
Last Updated on: 8th August 2023, 05:08 pm

Web site:
Category: Firewall
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: PicoBSD
Media: Live
The last version | Released: 0.2 | March 6, 2002

theWall – a collection of PicoBSD configuration trees and prebuild binaries for various platforms that provides NAT and firewall services for a small network. The goal of theWall project is to allow a user to get going quickly without having to learn the details of building a PicoBSD release.

– Built from PicoBSD/FreeBSD 4.5
– ipfw based firewall with natd
– users may login via telnet or locally
– ftp (client), tar and gzip are provided to facilitate transferring additional programs to flash based systems.
– It is not necessary to compile anything or even have access to a FreeBSD system to configure and run theWall.
– Network bootable, flash based and floppy based versions are available.

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