
Last Updated on: 26th September 2023, 01:51 pm

Web site: floppy-1.com (not active)
Category: Firewall
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: FreeBSD
Media: Live
The last version | Released: | 2004

Floppy-1 – a router, firewall and VPN gateway on one single floppy. It uses FreeBSD kernel with KAME IPsec stack.

FLOPPY-1 (firewall, router and VPN gateway) and SQUID-1 (web cache server) can be installed on the CF card. If you go to their configuration page floppy-1.com/wizard.en.shtml (not active) can configure the firewall to your needs before download so you select among a number of examples of your network, enter the appropriate values ​​and remove the configured version.

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