Last Updated on: 22nd August 2023, 03:25 pm

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Origin: China ?
Category: Firewall
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: FreeBSD
Media: Live
The last version | Released: 6.0.2 | November 4, 2005

BSDBox – a basic FreeBSD box which can run on small flash rom and small memory.

It is a reduced version of FreeBSD, similar to PicoBSD but works well on flash cards (CompactFlash, USB, DOC/DOM chips).

Requirement for run time environment :
– an i386 computer, up to Pentium 4
– at lease 32M memory
– at lease 8M disk space (or a DiskOnChip 8M)

The project founder is Ru Feng.
It was under active development between 2001 and 2005.

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