Wormux Live CD

wormux live cd

Web site: wormux.org Origin: Category: Game Desktop environment: GUI Architecture: x86 Based on: Slax Wikipedia: Warmux (game) Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 1 | January 27, 2007 Wormux Live CD (WLCD) – a Live Linux distribution, based on Slax, and features an open-source game called Wormux. WLCD is based on Slax 5.1.8, … Read more



Web site: clusterix.livecd.net (not active) Origin: USA Category: Cluster Desktop environment: Xfce Architecture: x86 Based on: Morphix Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 0.1-1a | September 9, 2004 Clusterix – a modular Linux live CD based on Morphix and OpenMosix kernel. Clusterix features the openMosix clustering software for setting up clusters without … Read more



Web site: www.froglinux.com Origin: Canada Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Gnome Architecture: x86 Based on: Gentoo Wikipedia: Media: Install DVD The last version | Released: | March 10, 2009 FrogLinux – a Linux distribution based on Gentoo Linux, created for French users. FrogLinux is different from proprietary operating systems because it offers a real barrier … Read more



Web site: www.x-evian.org (not active) Origin: Spain Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Xfce Architecture: x86 Based on: Xubuntu Wikipedia (ES): X-evian Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 2.0 Beta | July 11, 2007 X-evian – an Ubuntu based operating system compilation that comes with 300Mb of copyleft material for the socialization of knowledge and … Read more



Web site: resulinux.tk Origin: Brazil Category: Desktop Desktop environment: KDE Architecture: x86 Based on: Knoppix Wikipedia (PT): Resalinux Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 3.11 | September 10, 2011 Resulinux – a Brazilian Linux distribution based on KNOPPIX. The difference that the distribution offered, was the boot system called Texas Flood, which could … Read more

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