

Web site: Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: AfterStep, Blackbox, Enlightenment, Fluxbox, GNOME, IceWM, KDE, WindowMaker, Xfce Architecture: x86, x86_64 Based on: Independent Wikipedia: Sorcerer Media: Install CD The last version | Released: 20130628 | June 28, 2013 Zobacz po polsku: Sorcerer Sorcerer – an independent, a source based Linux distribution, which uses the … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: Canada Category: Desktop Desktop environment: AfterStep, Fluxbox, IceWM, KDE, WindowMaker, Xfce Architecture: x86 Based on: Independent Wikipedia: Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 15.0 | February 26, 2013 Zobacz po polsku: aLinux aLinux (previously: Peanut Linux) – an independent Linux distribution targeted to home and small office … Read more

Window Maker Live

window maker live

Web site: Origin: Spain Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Window Maker Architecture: x86, x86_64 Based on: Debian Wikipedia: Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 0.95.9-0 | August 10, 2023 Zobacz po polsku: Window Maker Live Window Maker Live – an installable Linux live CD/ISO, and is based Debian GNU/Linux. While its main purpose … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Window Maker, Xfce Architecture: x86_64 Based on: Linux Mint Wikipedia: Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 2 beta1 | January 15, 2014 DreamStep – a Linux distribution based on Linux Mint and features hybrid Window Maker and Xfce desktop. DreamStep is a … Read more

PLD Linux Distribution

pld linux distribution

Web site: Origin: Poland Category: Server, Desktop Desktop environment: Blackbox, Fluxbox, GNOME, IceWM, KDE, Window Maker, Xfce Architecture: x86, x86_64, PowerPC, Sparc, Alpha Based on: Independent Wikipedia (pl): PLD Linux Distribution Media: Rescue CD, Live CD The last version | Released: active Zobacz po polsku: PLD Linux Distribution PLD Linux Distribution – an independent … Read more

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