

Web site: (not active) Origin: United Kingdom Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Xfce Architecture: x86 Based on: Ubuntu Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 20070524 | May 24, 2007 BabelDisc – an Ubuntu based Linux distribution for people who do not get any pleasure from working with computers. It is created Peter … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: United Kingdom Category: workstation Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: CPS 464/664/6128 Based on: DOS-like Wikipedia: AMSDOS Media: Install The last version | Released: unknown AMSDOS (Amstrad Disk Operating System) – a DOS-like operating system for the 8-bit Amstrad CPC Computer 464, and then for the CPC 664 and CPC 6128. AMSDOS … Read more



Web site: Origin: United Kingdom Category: Desktop Desktop environment: LXDE Architecture: x86_64 Based on: Ubuntu Wikipedia: Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 1.0 | July 29, 2017 slybuntu – a Lubuntu 16.04.2 based Linux distribution, which provides a fast and safe desktop environment to home users. There is added the XFCE panel … Read more



Web site: Origin: United Kingdom Category: Supercomputer Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: SPARC, Intel i860, Sun-3/Sun-4 Based on: Minix Wikipedia: MeikOS Media: Install The last version | Released: 3.06 | 1991 MeikOS (also: Meikos or MEiKOS) – a Unix-like transputer operating system developed for the Computing Surface during the late 1980s. Meiko Scientific was founded … Read more

Enso OS

enso os

Web site: (not active) Origin: United Kingdom Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Xfce Architecture: x86_64 Based on: Ubuntu Wikipedia: Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 0.4 | September 25, 2020 Zobacz po polsku: Enso OS Enso OS – a Linux distribution based on Xubuntu that uses the Gala window manager imported from the … Read more

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