
Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: PDP-6/PDP-10 Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP-6/PDP-10 Based on: Independent Wikipedia: Media: Install The last version | Released: 1990 ITS (Incompatible Timesharing System) – an OS developed by hackers at MIT’s AI lab from 1967 to the early 1980’s for the DEC PDP-6 and PDP-10 … Read more

DEC Batch-11


Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Microcomuter Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: PDP-11 Based on: Independent Wikipedia: DEC Batch-11 Media: Install The last version | Released: V09-20C | 1974 DEC Batch-11 – an operating system created by the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). The first version of DOS-11 was released in 1970 and was the first … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: workstation Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: PDP-11, AT&T 3B20D/21D Based on: Unix-like Wikipedia: MERT Media: Install The last version | Released: unknown MERT – Multi-Environment Real-Time (MERT), later renamed UNIX Real-Time (UNIX-RT) is a multi-environment real-time operating system for the Digital Equipment PDP-11/45 and 11/70 computers. It is a … Read more

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