asri edu

Web site: Origin: France Category: Education Desktop environment: JWM Architecture: x86 Based on: Puppy Linux Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 300 | March 14, 2012 ASRI Edu – a GNU/Linux distribution forked from Puppy Linux for French-speaking children aged 3 to 12, teachers and Linux beginners. Edutainment ASRI Edu, shaped … Read more



Web site: Origin: Netherlands Category: Others Desktop environment: EDE, JWM Architecture: x86 Based on: independent Wikipedia: MINIX Media: Live The last version | Released: 3.4.0rc6 | May 9, 2017 Zobacz po polsku: MINIX MINIX – an open source and standalone operating system from the Unix family. The system was created in 1987 for the … Read more

Chinese Puppy

chinese puppy

Web site: (not active) Origin: China Category: Desktop Desktop environment: JWM Architecture: x86 Based on: Puppy Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: unknown Chinese Puppy – the Chinese Puppy Linux Project started by Cecc from 2007 which provides the Chinese localization for Puppy Linux users out of the box.



Web site: Origin: Australia Category: Dekstop Desktop environment: JWM Architecture: x86_64, ARM Based on: Puppy Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 8.7.1 | September 22, 2018 Quirky – a Linux distribution created by Barry Kauler, that forked from Puppy Linux a few years ago. The original intention was to experiment with … Read more



Web site: Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Fluxbox, JWM, Openbox Architecture: x86, x86_64 Based on: Devuan Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: active Zobacz po polsku: CROWZ CROWZ – an operating system based on Devuan 3.0.0 Beowulf release. Consisting of a minimal compilation of applications and tools. Overall the ethos … Read more

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