Smoothwall Express

Last Updated on: 8th November 2023, 01:17 pm

Web site:
Origin: United Kingdom
Category: Firewall
Desktop environment: CLI, Web interface
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Independent
Media: Install CD
The last version | Released: 3.1 SP5 | July 8, 2020
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Smoothwall Express

Smoothwall Express – an independent Linux distribution which features a complete operating system with preinstalled firewall applications. It is designed to facilitate the use of a firewall via a web GUI.

Smoothwall is a best-of-breed Internet firewall/router, designed to run on commodity hardware and to provide an easy-to-use administration interface to those using it. Built using open source and Free software, it’s distributed under the GNU Public License.

The Smoothwall Open Source Project was set up in 2000 to develop and maintain Smoothwall Express – a Free firewall that includes its own security-hardened GNU/Linux operating system and an easy-to-use web interface.

The Smoothwall GPL project was founded in the summer of 2000 by Lawrence Manning (Principle Code Author) and Richard Morrell (Project Manager). Their goal was to create a Linux distribution that could convert a redundant PC into a hardened internet firewall device.

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