Last Updated on: 13th July 2023, 01:15 pm
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Origin: Italy
Category: Rescue
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Arch Linux
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 15.10 | October 26, 2015
Zobacz po polsku: PoliArch
PoliArch – a specialized Linux distribution for management and rescue of computer operating systems. PoliArch is the culmination of the students project at Torino University, Italy.
The goal of PoliArch is to provide a quick and easy way to manage/administer computers.
The system allows user for:
– creating and editing partitions on the disk
– backuping and restoring of data
– accessing to documents when the system is not working.
PoliArch is equipped with a number of GNU/Linux programs, such as:
– system tools (GParted, FSArchiver, etc.)
– basic tools (editors, Midnight Commander, etc.)
– tools for operating on the file systems (fstools, ntfs-3g, etc.)
– server packages (Apache, MySQL, Samba, etc.)
The default desktop environment is Xfce4. The system does not require installation on a disk, it can be run from a flash drive, CD, DVD or USB. It is also possible to install PoliArch on the computer’s hard drive.
The Live version works by default in Italian.
During installation, you can set your own system location.
PoliArch is available in the form of a dual iso image for i686 and x86_64 machines.