openmamba GNU/Linux

Last Updated on: 11th June 2023, 11:44 am

Web site:
Origin: Italy
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE, GNOME, LXDE
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Independent
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: active
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: openmamba GNU/Linux

openmamba GNU/Linux – an independent developed GNU/Linux distribution for personal (laptops, desktops, servers), and single-board computers.

It offers out-of-the box support for proprietary graphics drivers, wireless network cards, multimedia codecs and 3D desktop effects.

openmamba has roots in the discontinued QiLinux project, and uses APT and Synaptic as a package management tools for RMP packages.
The live system is available in following flavours: KDE, GNOME and Light (LXDE), as a LiveCD or bigger in size LiveDVD. The live system can be installed onto a hard drive using Calamares Installer.

The Live DVD includes a large set of open source applications, such as: Amarok audio player, Chromium web browser, VLC Media Player, Kaffeine video player, Miro, DVD Style, Clementine audio player, Ardour digital audio workstation, Blender 3D modeller, GIMP, digiKam, showFoto, UFRaw RAW image converter, aMule P2P, FileZilla.

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