
Last Updated on: 2nd May 2023, 03:28 pm

Web site: www.kateos.org (not active)
Origin: Poland
Category: Desktop, Server
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: Independent
Wikipedia: KateOS
Media: Live CD, Install CD/DVD
The last version | Released: 3.6 | September 17, 2007
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: KateOS

KateOS – an independent Linux distribution, originally based on Slackware.

The first version of Kate Linux 1.0 ‘Rabbit’ was released in October 09, 2004.
Kate Linux 2.0 ‘Zyklon’ released in April 09, 2005.
KateOS 3.0 ‘Virgin’ released in July 09, 2006.

Started from version 3.0, KateOS package manager uses TGZex (.tgz) packages, which unlike Slackware packages support dependency tracking (optional), internationalized descriptions, and was designed for ease of update. KateOS uses its own, native package manager tools: PKG and Updateos. Updateos is similar in work to Debian’s ‘apt-get’, and due to cooperate with PKG could install TGZex with all needed dependencies.

The system could be installed on a hard drive via the Core version installer or via PHP-GTK based graphical installer available on the live image.

KateOS was under development between 2003 and 2009, and the last version of 3.6 (including the live image) was released in September 2007. There was released version 4.0 pre1 in July 26, 2008 too, but development of the project has been finished the next year.

The founder and the lead developer of KateOS was Damian Rakowski.

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3 thoughts on “KateOS”

  1. Jeśli mozna chętnie bym tą ostanią wersji 4.0 pre1 pobrał. Mopże kiedyś tu bedzie. 🙂 Super serwis. Pozdrawiam.


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