CyberOS Linux

Last Updated on: 9th November 2023, 05:12 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: unknown
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Cyber
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Arch Linux
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 2021.06.23 | June 23, 2021
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: CyberOS Linux

CyberOS – a Linux distribution built with Qt Quick and based on Arch Linux. The live system is equipped with a proprietary Cyber desktop, running on the KWin window manager and Qt libraries.

In addition, the Calamares installer and several basic applications are available in the live system.

CyberOS is available for x86_64 machines only.

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1 thought on “CyberOS Linux”

  1. The predecessor of CyberOS is called pandaos, whose GitHub page is still available. Started in March 2020, it is released with a new DE written in C++/Qt. Renamed to CyberOS in March 2021, it is based on Arch Linux with the desktop using Qt Quick. Since the “CyberOS” had been registered in social media, the team decided to use a new name – “CutefishOS”, launching their company and website. The DE remained elegant and attractive, getting famous thanks to web media coverage. The CutefishDE was then packaged for Arch, manjaro and COPR. However, in March 2022, the group as well as their chat rooms dissolved. After that, many unofficial and obscure versions emerged like CirilyOS, Piscesys, Ubuntu-based Cutefish Reborn, Yoyo OS. The development of CutefishDE was taken by several members form the original team, but no OS releases up to now.


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