Arch Anywhere

Last Updated on: 12th July 2023, 05:02 pm

Web site:
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Arch Linux
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2.2.8 | June 23, 2016
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Arch Anywhere

Arch Anywhere – a modification of the official version of the Arch Linux, providing a clean Arch Linux operating system.

Arch Anywhere provides a set of shell scripts designed to simplify the Arch Linux installation procedure. The set of scripts includes an automated installer that operates in text mode using text based Dialog. The installer guides the user through the various stages of installation, through user settings, disk partitioning, general configuration, up to the installation of the selected graphical environment from the official Arch Linux repositories.

Arch Anywhere is aimed at novice Linux users and allows them to install Arch Linux regardless of the level of knowledge of this system. The ISO image also includes the built-in Arch Wiki, allowing users to view the official Arch Linux wiki in text mode.

The installation media offers support for installing the system on i686 (32 bit) and x86_64 (64 bit) machines.
Available graphic environments and window managers are:
– Arch Anywhere XFCE4 (custom Xfce4 version)
– AwesomeWM
– Cinnamon Desktop
– DWM DynamicWM
– EnlightenmentWM
– FluxboxWM
– Gnome Desktop
– I3 i3WM
– KDE Plasma Desktop
– LXDE Desktop
– LXQT Desktop
– Mate Desktop
– OpenboxWM
– XFCE4 Desktop

The Arch Anywhere creator and developer is Dylan Schacht.
Duo a potential trademark violation forced the developer to rebrand Arch-Anywhere to Anarchy Linux.

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2 thoughts on “Arch Anywhere”

  1. Bonjours,
    j’ai fait un télèchargement vers une clè USB,
    mais je n’ai pas la même page d’acceuil que vous affichez ci-dessous

    mon architecture:
    -ssd OCZ 256G
    -machine 8 cores
    -6 GB de mémoire
    -réseau VDSL

    les autres disques Linux sont débranchés pour avoir /dev/sda
    ce dernier n’a qu’une seule partition bootable, totalité du disque

    à la commande pacstrap /mnt base le file system est plein,
    au alentour de 260M
    donc la volumètrie totale n’est pas pris en compte
    j’ai les mêmes symptomes avec une installation depuis un dvd de 4.4 GB

    mon erreur viendrait de où?

    A vous lire,


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