

Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Microkernel, Others Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: unknown Based on: Independent Wikipedia: Hydra_(operating_system) Media: Install The last version | Released: 1975 Hydra (C.mmp/Hydra) – a capability-based, object-oriented microkernel operating system, created at Carnegie-Mellon University, as part of the C.mmp. In the early 197Os,a project began at Carnegie-Mellon University to … Read more



Web site: funtoo.org Origin: USA Category: Desktop, Server Desktop environment: Blackbox, Fluxbox, GNOME, IceWM, KDE, LXDE, Openbox, WindowMaker, Xfce Architecture: x86, x86_64, SPARC64 Based on: Wikipedia: Media: Install CD/DVD The last version | Released: 1.4 | September 12, 2019 Zobacz po polsku: Funtoo Funtoo – a Linux distribution created on the top of Gentoo in … Read more



Web site: github.com/JasonQSY/little-os Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86 Based on: Independent Wikipedia: Media: Install The last version | Released: 2016 little-os – a simple and native x86 operating system, following the little book about OS development. The little-os is a free and open-source OS, released under the MIT License. The project … Read more

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