Web site: zonbu.com (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: Gentoo
Wikipedia: Zonbu
Media: Install
The last version | Released: build 1445 | 2008
Zonbu OS – a Gentoo-based Linux distribution created by USA company Zonbu, and targeted to their own computers Zonbu Mini.
The Zonbu OS distro had Xfce desktop environment as default and a set of applications preinstalled as default, such as: Mozilla Firefox web browser, OpenOffice office suite, Skype IP phone service and a few games.
The user’s data were cached on a Compact Flash Card, and stored at Amazon S3 servers with 128-bit encryption.
There was also a premium version of the OS, called Zonbu PLUS.
The last version of the distro was released in 2008, and the company website closed down in 2017.