
Last Updated on: 2nd August 2023, 01:53 pm

Web site: ubuntubsd.org (not active)
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Debian, FreeBSD, Ubuntu
Media: Install DVD
The last version | Released: 16.04 beta1 | August 9, 2016
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: UbuntuBSD

UbuntuBSD – an open-source operating system built on Debian and Ubuntu with the FreeBSD kernel.

UbuntuBSD is an open-source alternative to Windows and Mac OS X, and includes everything you need to work, play and share with your friends.

The most important features offered by UbuntuBSD:
– support for ‘jail’ technology
– OSS as the default sound system
– OpenBSD Packet Filter (pf)
– support for the ZFS file system
– GNU userland
– does not contain any proprietary packages (non-free)
– uses ‘deb’ packages
– packages can be handled via the APT package manager
– support for virtual machines, such as VMware and VirtualBox
– does not use the initiating system ‘systemd’

The UbuntuBSD project is created by Jon Boden and Justinas Kamarovas.

The UbuntuBSD installation image is available for amd64 machines only.

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