Last Updated on: 2nd August 2023, 01:50 pm

Web site: tuxgamers.altervista.org/llgp.php (not active)
Origin: Italy
Category: Game
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Knoppix
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 0.1-pre0 | January 16, 2005

LLGP – a Knoppix-based live CD that makes it easy to play games on Linux. The mission of LLGP (Linux Live Game Project) is show to Wintendo users that also Linux can be used for gaming.

The live CD uses the KDE 3.x desktop environment as default and is shipped with a large collection of games such as: Scorched3D, Torcs, Abuse, Wesnoth, BZFlag, Neverball, Enigma, GL-117, Chromium, TuxRacer and more; which are divided into eleven categories: Arcades, Adventures, GGZ, Desk games, Card games, For kids, Logical, Sports, Strategy, Tactics, Tetris like.

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