
Last Updated on: 13th July 2023, 01:27 pm

Web site:
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Openbox
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Debian
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 2.0 | May 06, 2018
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: TweakOS

TweakOS – a lightweight Linux distribution based on stable branch of Debian.

The distribution is equipped with an ultra light Openbox window manager and a few basic applications.
TweakOS is a clone of CruchBang, which is not under developed any more.

The system is available in a few versions to choose from:
– Colors Full – the basic version of the operating system offering a set of applications such as: OB, Tint2, Xfce4-Appfinder, Lightdm, Network-manager, Thunar, Terminator, Geany, Iceweasel, Catfish, Gftp, Transmission, Gimp, GParted, Synaptic, GDebi, Viewnior, VLC, LXMusic etc…
– Colors Light – a slightly poorer version than the basic one
– Dove – an alternative version equipped with PCManFM, LXTerminal and Mousepad.

ISO images are available for i386 and amd64 CPUs.

There is a new release of TweakOS 2.0 published in May 2018 available to download.

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