

Web site: Origin: United Kingdom Category: Specialist Desktop environment: Unity Architecture: x86, x86_64 Based on: Ubuntu Wikipedia: Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 5.1 | January 18, 2017 Zobacz po polsku: Vinux Vinux – an Ubuntu based, specialized distribution of the Linux system, optimized for visually impaired and blind users. Vinux provides … Read more



Web site: Origin: Category: Desktop Desktop environment: IceWM Architecture: x86 Based on: Puppy Linux Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 4.31v3 | September 19, 2017 Zobacz po polsku: Anitaos Anitaos – an independent fork built on the top of Puppy Linux 4. It is addressed to users with very old computers … Read more



Web site: Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: TUI Architecture: x86_64 Based on: Independent Wikipedia: TempleOS Media: Live The last version | Released: 5.03 | November 20, 2017 TempleOS (formerly: J Operating System, SparrowOS and LoseThos) – a lightweight operating system designed to be a Temple to Jesus Christ, developed by Terry A. Davis. … Read more



Web site: (not active) Origin: Australia Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Cinnamon, GNOME, KDE Plasma, MATE, Xfce Architecture: x86_64 Based on: Fedora Wikipedia: Korora Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 26 | September 24, 2017 Zobacz po polsku: Korora Korora (formerly: Kororaa) – a Linux distribution based on Fedora Linux. The Kororaa project … Read more

Revenge OS

revenge os

Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Desktop Desktop environment: Openbox, MATE, KDE Architecture: x86_64 Based on: Arch Linux Wikipedia: Media: Live DVD The last version | Released: 2017.07 | July 20, 2017 Zobacz po polsku: Revenge OS Revenge OS – an Arch Linux based desktop operating system with 6 available desktop options. These … Read more

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