SOT Linux

Last Updated on: 3rd September 2023, 01:33 pm

Web site: | | (not active)
Origin: Finland
Category: Desktop, Server
Desktop environment: GNOME, KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Red Hat
Media: Install CD
The last version | Released: 2003 | 2003

SOT Linux (previously: LBA Linux, Best Linux) – freely distributable, Open Source software.

LBA-Linux R1 Release is distributed as a single Foundation CD containing the LBA-Linux Installer, and two optional bonus software CDs.
The Foundation CD is all you need to install LBA-Linux R1 Release as a functional desktop system. Boot from the Foundation CD to run LBA-Linux’s unique “5-click” installation program.
The second CD contains additional software that lets you extend LBA-Linux R1 Release with the KDE desktop and a variety of multimedia applications.
The third CD includes a wealth of development software for programmers and developers.

The latest LBA-Linux release includes the Linux kernel 2.6.3, providing the best support for the latest hardware, and modern desktops: KDE 3.2, GNOME 2.5.90, gtk2 2.3.4 and XFree 4.30.

LBA-Linux R1 Release requires the following minimum system requirements:
– Processor: 400 MHz Pentium II or better
– RAM: 192MB
– Hard drive: 1.5GB

SOT Linux Copyright SOT Finnish Software Engineering Ltd. and others.

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