Salix OS

Last Updated on: 7th May 2023, 12:45 pm

Web site:
Origin: Europe
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Slackware
Wikipedia: Salix
Media: Live DVD, Install DVD
The last version | Released: 15.0 | September 5, 2022
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Salix

Salix – a Linux distribution based on Slackware and optimized for desktop usage.

Salix OS uses the slapt-get package management tool. It provides the main functionalities of the apt-get variety of package managers. It uses Slackware’s .tgz/.txz package format, but adds dependency resolution management.

Salix offers two versions of iso images: Live and Install, for i686 and x86-64 CPU.
Salix is available in a few desktop editions: MATE, Xfce, Fluxbox, OpenBox, KDE, and Ratpoison.

The last version of Salix OS 14.2 was released in 2016.

After 6 years of break, a new version of Salix OS 15.0 was released September 5, 2022.

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