
Last Updated on: 25th October 2023, 04:31 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: unknown
Category: desktop
Desktop environment: unknown
Architecture: x86
Based on: Linux
Media: Install
The last version | Released: 0.20 | March 15, 2008

Poly-p-ux – a Linux distro for 386’s, 486’s, and 586’s (only 486 at v0.02), created by Matthew Kern.

* To install: Unpack tarball, there should be one inside still, tho. FROM THAT DIRECTORY, run ./install to install, ./uninstall to uninstall
* Make sure the files list is backwards, i.e. run tar tzf | tac | sed ‘s/^/\//’ works, find a tac replacement sed script if you don’t have gnu textutils or so (like, say, if you’re on busybox 😀 )

BUGS, ISSUES, and WANTED FEATURES for the future:

* make init do stuff on shutdown/reboot
* create an official LOAF installer
* compile for 3, 586’s.
* redo networking (/etc/network, etc.)

The last version of Poly-p-ux is 0.20 codename Caffeine Powered.

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