Pocket Linux

Last Updated on: 26th April 2023, 02:49 pm

Web site: pocket-linux.org/index.html.en
Origin: Poland
Category: Mini distribution
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: Independent
Wikipedia (pl): Pocket Linux
Media: Live floppy
The last version | Released: 2.51-fix-4 | January 28, 2002
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Pocket Linux

Pocket Linux – a minimal, one floppy Linux based system designed to quickly convert PC workstation into secure Linux-based workstation using ssh to connect to remote host. It supports bootp for determining host IP and other network parameters.

Pocket Linux provides a small and efficient workstation that autoconfigures as much as possible and lets securely use the network from almost everywhere.

The founder and developer of the project is Paweł Więcek.
The last version 2.51 of the minimal in size Linux system was released by the author in 1998.
There is also available a newer version of 2.51-fix-4 released by Arkadiusz Miskiewicz.

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1 thought on “Pocket Linux”

  1. That URL hasn’t been valid for a very, very long time. Another, unrelated organization came along and essentially stole the name from Coven, and (thankfully) doesn’t seem to be around any more, at least not in the same form. The correct URL is pocket-lnx.org for English and pocket-lnx.org/index.html.po for Polish.


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