Last Updated on: 26th April 2023, 03:10 pm
Web site:
Origin: Cambodia
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Enlightenment, GNOME, LXDE
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live CD/DVD
The last version | Released: 4 | January 1, 2011
Zobacz po polsku: moonOS
moonOS – a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu and using Enlightenment, LXDE and GNOME desktops. The distro has been created by Cambodian artist Chanrithy Thim.
moonOS 2 “Kachana” is available with two lightweight desktops of you choice: Enlightenment 17 and LXDE.
Version 3 “Makara” of the distribution can be grab with Enlightenment 17 desktop only.
The last version of moonOS 4 “Neak” has been recreated and uses GNOME 2 desktop instead of e17.
This distro was amazing, light and beautiful…
Can someone share their wallpaper?
I cannot find on the internet
Bodhi Linux has it as well as the original e17 edj file: