
Last Updated on: 4th September 2023, 03:38 pm

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Origin: Italy (?)
Category: Router
Desktop environment: CLI
Architecture: x86
Based on: FreeBSD
Media: Install
The last version | Released: 4.11 | March 3, 2005

miniBSD – a mini FreeBSD based operating system for using with CF cards, USB pens or other small media. This project is created on Manuel Kasper’s scripts. The latest version is based on FreeBSD 4.x 5.x and 6.x. This mini system can fit on 16Mb Flash. MiniBSD represents a compromise between a full FreeBSD system and a minimal system like PicoBSD.

MiniBSD consists of a series of sh scripts which support users in creating a small image containing a fully functional FreeBSD operating system. MiniBSD is designed for storage media such as smart-media or flash-cards that can be used in devices like epia, soekris or other.

Authors: Davide D’Amico, Dario Freni, Gianmarco Giovannelli

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