
Last Updated on: 24th July 2023, 04:24 pm

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Origin: Reunion
Category: Education
Desktop environment: Fluxbox, Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: Knoppix
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 1.0 | February 6, 2006

KnoSciences – a GNU/Linux Bootable CD for Education created by VERHILLE Arnaud.

KnoSciences CD let you test many recent and powerful free applications for Education.

KnoSciences is a bootable CD with a collection of GNU/Linux software, automatic hardware detection, and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI and USB devices and other peripherals.

It is not necessary to install anything on a hard disk. Due to on-the-fly decompression, the CD can have up to 2 GB of executable software installed on it.

Comparing to Knoppix, KnoSciences features extra applications pre-installed, such as:
– Ark : KDE archiving tool
– Evince : PDF viewer
– Filerunner : File manager
– Gimp : GNU Image manipulation
– Gnumeric : Calc
– Kate : NotePad with highlight
– Lyx : LaTeX word processor WYSIWYM
– Nvu : HTML editor
– OpenOffice : Office suite
– Rox-filer : File-manager
– Scribus : Word processor
– Texmacs : LaTeX word processor WYSIWYG
– VLC : Media player (audio & video)
– vnc : Remote desktop
– Xfce4 : Window-manager
– Xpdf : PDF viewer
– Edugraphe : interactive geometry software
– Freemind : free mind-mapping software
– GeoGebra : interactive geometry software
– Geonext : interactive geometry software
– JasTeX : Graphe
– C.a.R : interactive geometry software
– ImageJ : image processing program
– NonEuclid : Non Euclidien geometry software
– NumericalChameleon : Software to convert units
– Optikal : Optical illusions
– Populus : Set of simulations that for population biology and evolutionary ecology
– Xlogo : The famous logo turtle
– Xabacus : Abacus
– Declic : interactive geometry software
– DrGeo : interactive geometry software
– Geomview : 3D mathematical object viewer
– Galculator : Calculator
– Geg : Drawing 2-dimensional mathematical functions
– Giac/Xcas : Computer algebra system
– Gnuplot : Plotting utility
– Grace : WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool
– Graphthing : Tool that allows you to create, manipulate and study graphs.
– Kali : Draw symmetrical patterns
– Kseg : interactive geometry software
– Maxima : Computer algebra system
– Pari/GP : Computer algebra system
– Scilab : Computer algebra system
– Yacas : Computer algebra system
– Xeukleides : interactive geometry software
– Xaos : Fractal viewer
– Audacity : Audio editor
– Celestia : Real-time 3D space simulation
– Chemeq : Command-line chemical equation parser
– Chemtool : Drawing chemical structures.
– Dozzzaqueux : Chemical solution
– Formol : Command-line molar weight calculator
– Ghemical : Computational chemistry software
– GNUcap : Gnu Circuit Analysis Package
– Gperiodic : Periodic table
– Katomic : Chemical game
– Kstars : Desktop Planetarium
– LibComedi : Data acquisition
– OpenBabel : Interconvert between many file formats used in molecular modeling
– OptGeo : Geometric Optik
– Oregano : Schematic capture
– Rasmol : PDB viewer
– TKgate : Digital circuit simulator

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