
Last Updated on: 22nd June 2023, 07:56 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: France
Category: Education
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: Knoppix
Wikipedia (FR): Freeduc-cd
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2012 | October 12, 2002

Freeduc – a French, “run-from-CD” Linux live CD based on Knoppix and created by OFSET (Organization for Free Software in Education and Teaching), and realized with help of UNESCO.

It is a CD-ROM containing free educational software, and it is possible to install the CD on the hard disk.
The choice of programs and graphical environment is made in such a way that a modest configuration is sufficient (good results with a 400 MHz pII + 128 MB RAM, bad with 64 MB).

The goal of develop free software for education with sharing knowledge was the developer concern. They have developed software such as: DrGeo, GCompris, DrGenius and the live CD freeduc.

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