Last Updated on: 14th September 2023, 04:17 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Romania
Category: Education
Desktop environment: Fluxbox, IceWM, KDE, WindowMaker, Xfce
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Knoppix
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 1.2 | September 6, 2005

ROSLIMS (ROmanian Simple Linux for Medical Students) – a live Linux distribution based on Knoppix. Version 1.2 developed in order to be a first Romanian open source educational platform, respectively to bring to the local IT landscape a viable Linux desktop solution, similar in functionality to proprietary operation systems (Windows, Mac OS) and to be easy to use.

The ROSLIMS distribution is characterized by:
– simplicity in use (due to hardware detection and self-configuration facilities, respectively the classic user interface);
– full support for Romania (user interface, mapping the Romanian keyboard in Windows style, a series of TrueType fonts for Central Europe, etc.);
– very good compatibility with established office suites;
– easy installation of new applications by providing local support for cmg files for the first time (, a technology that excludes the possibility of incompatibilities at the library level between certain versions of programs and ensures a simple installation, such as point-and-click;
– a wide variety of pre-installed software, including complex educational suites (KDE Education) or emulators of other operating systems – Wine;
– user interface of your choice in Romanian (default) and English, etc.

Via ROSLIMS you can access almost all types of common applications, all free:
– OpenOffice office suite, Abiword text editor, Gnumeric spreadsheet program. These applications ensure very good compatibility, at the level of file formats, with commercial suites;
– graphics applications: GIMP and Inkscape;
– multimedia software: Audacity, Xine and others;
– system administration tools: ethereal, tcpdump, etc.;
– Internet services: HTTP (Apache), FTP, SMTP, POP3;
– Internet access programs: Web browsers (Mozilla suite, Konqueror, Lynx), IRC (XChat), video conferencing (GnomeMeeting), e-mail (Kmail, Thunderbird) and more.

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