
Last Updated on: 1st June 2023, 11:48 pm

Web site: ipredia.org
Category: Privacy
Desktop environment: GNOME, LXDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Fedora
Wikipedia (PT): IprediaOS
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 1 | February 3, 2013

IprediaOS – a Fedora based Linux operating system for anonymous web browsing, email, chat and file sharing.

IprediaOS is a fast, powerful and stable operating system based on Linux that provides an anonymous environment. All network traffic is automatically and transparently encrypted and anonymized. Many applications are available in IprediaOS, including mail, peer-peer, bittorrent, IRC chat and others.

IprediaOS features:
– I2P Router
– Anonymous BitTorrent client
– Anonymous e-mail client
– Anonymous IRC client
– Browse Internet anonymously
– Find anonymous eepSites (i2p sites)

The operating system includes all of the basic applications an average computer user needs, on the top of GNOME or LXDE desktops, such as:
– a text editor, Abiword, a PDF viewer
– image viewer, Gnumeric, the Osmo calendar
– the Robert bit torrent client configured to anonymously share files through the i2p network, Sylpheed email client, a packet sniffer Wireshark
– eekboard virtual keyboard
– SE Linux Alert browser

The LXDE desktop contains shortcuts to XChat to anonymously connect to IRC channels through i2p.
Firefox uses proxy settings preconfigured to use the i2P network.

The latest version of IprediaOS 1 was released in 2013.

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