Icaros Desktop Live!

Last Updated on: 10th November 2023, 04:54 pm

Web site: icarosdesktop.org
Origin: Italy
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Wanderer
Architecture: x86
Based on: AROS
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 2.3 | December 15, 2020
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Icaros Desktop

Icaros Desktop Live! (previously: VmwAROS) – a complete distribution of the Aros operating system, intended for users of personal computers (desktop).

Aros is an open source operating system, developed since 1995. The system is supposed to be compatible with AmigaOS by default.

Icaros is offered in the form of bootable iso media in the basic ‘Desktop Light’ and full ‘Desktop Live!’ versions.
Desktop Light only includes the Aros base system and some basic programs.
Desktop Live! additionally, it offers a range of applications and tools for everyday use. This version is recommended for novice users of this system.

iso image of Desktop Live! requires removing the ‘exe’ extension from the ‘icaros-live.iso.7z.exe’ file name before unpacking it. This is required for Linux and OSX users.
Starting from version 2.2, system images are packaged in a “zip” format.

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