
Last Updated on: 6th November 2023, 04:25 pm

Web site: hamshack-hack.sourceforge.net
Origin: unknown
Category: Multimedia
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Knoppix
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 06a | April 14, 2005

Hamshack – a remaster of the KNOPPIX distro for Amateur Radio Operators (Hams) who have no prior experience with Linux. Provides a complete OS, software for hobby, web, and word tasks. All contained in an .iso file ready to burn to CD.

This project is directed primarily at Amateur Radio enthusiasts (Hams) who have no prior experience with LINUX. Hopefully, experienced LINUX users (perhaps, even a “guru” or two) will give it a spin and offer corrections and suggestions for improvement.

The CD contains a complete LINUX-Knoppix operating system and enough software to accomplish the usual tasks we all perform daily from our homes … web browsing, email, letter writing, etc.

In addition, there is a huge library of programs for our Amateur Radio hobby.

The Hamshack Hack is a “Live CD”. As a “Live CD” system, no installation to your machines hard drive is necessary. The whole package will run off the CD by building a “ram disk” in your machine’s memory. As soon as you re-boot your machine, the LINUX system vaporizes and you’ll be back with whatever system is installed on your hard drive.

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