
Last Updated on: 6th November 2023, 04:23 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: unknown
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: IceWM
Architecture: x86
Based on: Debian
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 0.91 | August 25, 2007

Deb-Ice – an auto-installation CDROM for Debian which installs Debian Linux along with the IceWM window manager and desktop applications selected for speed and low memory use.

This can be considered a beta version. All of the software installed is part of debian stable but the installation options are limited and you may have to install some tools you need for general use.

The following software packages are included currently:
BROWSERS: iceweasel, galeon, dillo
EMAIL CLIENTS: sylpheed-claws, icedove, mutt
OTHER: apt-get, lokkit, rcconf, cupsys-client, dosfstools, wvdial, wireless-tools, apsfilter, mc, aptitude, slrn, minicom, gksu, icemc, grun, filerunner, zip, unzip, leafpad, abiword, gftp, synaptic, iceconf

NOTICE: This installation CD downloads and installs cryptographic software which may be illegal in some locations. Please ensure you comply with all applicable laws before installation.

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