Last Updated on: 4th March 2024, 12:13 pm

Web site: (not active)
Origin: unknown
Category: workstation
Desktop environment:
Architecture: x86
Based on: Independent
Media: Install
The last version | Released: unknown

FunOS – a mostly-functional OS, written in Scheme. Scheme is a functional programming language, dialect of Lisp with two distinguishing features: it is small and tries to be clean.

The Assembly Layer: Figure out what needs to be done in order to boot the machine; write assembly that does that. It should be able to grab stuff from the Linux kernel (see linux/arch/i386/; 4k lines). Linux 0.01 (1.5k lines of assembly) or Linux 0.12 (3k lines) may be more accessible.

The Caml Layer: This implements FunScheme. This is the foundation for all that follows. Make Scheme programs work.

User Space: There are two directions here: the Linux API and a Scheme environment. Down the Linux branch, we need a Linux-based hello world program to work. Then more stuff.

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